Swing Sets: Things to Look for to Keep Your Kids Safe
Playsafekids |
For kids below five, choose swings that have lockable bars in front. Avoid swings with seats too high from ground. Don’t push too hard. Allow the swing set to reduce the momentum and sway, and then only resume pushing.
For kids above five, avoid swings too low in height to prevent their feet from scraping the ground. Prefer plastic swings but if there are only metal ones around avoid those making squeaking sounds. Check whether both chains are even and the seat is not tilting on one side.
In general, the swing set should sway uniformly when pushed. If it gravitate on one side then probably something is wrong with its fulcrums. Such swings are not only dangerous but are also not easy to ride.
The above suggestions are indicative and not exhaustive. If you are really a concerned parent and looking for safe playground equipment, then play safe Kids is the best supplier.