Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bunk Bed Safety

Bunk beds are such a convenient and space saving option, that many parents assume they are just as safe as any other children's bed. And they can be. But a few rules and precautions need to be followed in order to ensure your child's safety in a bunk bed. Make sure you are following these do's and dont's:

General Bunk Bed Rules

Bunk beds were never built for very young children. In fact, any bed you purchase new will have a sticker on it that states that children under age six should not sleep on the top bunk. But for some reason, this rule is often ignored. While kids can fall in their sleep, they also commonly fall while playing on the top bunk. Let your child know that their bed is for sleeping in, and the floor is for playing on. It is very tempting for them to have their friends or siblings come up to the top bunk and play, but this rule should be firm. In case of accidental falls, you should look at the items you have around the bunk bed. There should be no other Kids furniture with sharp corners nearby, and toys should be kept cleaned up around the bed. If your child were to fall from the top bunk, you wouldn't want them to fall on something sharp.

While the allure of a bed that looks almost like a climbing apparatus is strong, it is important that children always use the ladder to climb up to, and down from, the top bunk. Kids will try to climb up and down using the side rails or any end rails, but again that leads to an increased risk of falls. Be sure that your child's bunk bed is not treated like part of a playground equipment.

Check that your bunk bed meets the current safety standards. There should be a label affixed to the frame of the bed somewhere, or if the bed is handmade or an older model, find out what the current measurements should be, and check your bed to see if it matches. It is also a good idea to occasionally double-check all screws and bolts to ensure that everything is tightened up. You can remember to do this by checking them at the same time you would check other items in your home, such as smoke detectors.


The top bunk of a bunk bed should have guard rails on all four sides of the bed. Quite commonly, the bed is against a wall, and the only side rail is on the outside of the bed. However as unlikely as it may sound, kids have become stuck between the bed and the wall. This can also occur on the lower bunk, and in fact, even in a regular bed...Read more...


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